Information sur l'évènement
dim28Fév2016dim03Avr2016De Queeste Art, Trappistenwegweg 54, 8978 Abele/Watou – Belgique
The groupexhibition ‘Beyond The Stories’ focuses on the suggestive power of art. The paintings of Xavier Rodés, Ulyana Gumeniuk and Eve Servent display more than you can see . These works evoke an atmosphere that triggers the imagination of the viewer who searches for, and gives new meaning to, what is depicted.
Ulyana Gumeniuk uses her classical technique to create a dreamy surreal world but doesn’t hesitate to criticise contemporary society. At first sight the works of Eve Servent seem sweet and innocent but they recall a threatening vulnerability. Xavier Rodés on the other hand shows only landscapes. Desolate but scarred by human presence.
open op zaterdag en zondag van 14u tot 18u en op afspraak
open on Saturday and Sunday from 2pm to 6pm and by
tel: +32 (0)57 33 48 72